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    I Can't Afford an Accountant.

    What Is the Temporary Fix?

    Business Success / Tax

    Having a part-time or full-time accountant on your staff is not always possible, especially when you're starting out. However, you also can't avoid your tax deadlines (e.g., state sales tax returns, federal income tax return, state income tax return). So, what do you do?

    How to Claim Mileage from your Home Office

    Bookkeeping / Tax

    Some small business owners are nervous about claiming the home office expense on their tax return because they believe the deduction will trigger an audit. 

    What Is Double Entry Accounting & Why Do I Need It?

    Accounting / Tax

    Are you curious to learn how your accounting software works in the background? Then, you've come to the right place — this article provides a quick breakdown for everyday transactions. It's your T accounts cheat sheet.

    Myth: I Only Report My Business When It Earns Money

    Business Success / Tax

    Some small business owners believe that if the activity doesn't earn much money or no money at all, then they don't have to report it on a tax return.

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